• Coloration planning before summer
  • Coloration planning before summer

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    Holidays are close and it's time to take care of your figure, go buy new clothes and … prepare your coloured hair to be sun-exposed.

    Christine Margossian for Livecoiffure.com

      [row] [one_third] Hair, like the skin, need to be protected from the sun. The message has been received for at least fifteen years now.
    But when is it best to make a coloration appointment : before or after leisure days ? Sun is not especially our hair enemy. Some will say that it is the best moment of the year for our hair. On the other hand, sun can show the flaws of a more or less well done [/one_third] [one_third] coloration, or on the contrary highlights the beauty of your reflections.It's better to make an appointment with your hairdresser fifteen days before going on holidays. Colourist explain that while applying a colouring product, hair becomes more porous and more sensitive to the action of the sea salt and the sun. Therefore, it is better to let your hair recover from this [/one_third] [one_third]action, with the possibility of doing three or four shampoo/ cares during two weeks.
    Also know that regarding summer colour variations, the brunettes will have red to orange reflection while blond women will have a beautiful sheen from bleaching or highlights, surfer style ! [/one_third] [/row] For blond girls, they can highlight this sheen preparing a decoction of dry plants: put 100 g. of wild camomile leaves in a litre of cold water, make it boil during two minutes and leave it to infuse during ten minutes. Filter it and add two drops of lemon grass essential oils. You'll obtain a magic rinsing water to spray on and that will emphasize your Californian girl style !   For the brunettes, it is advise that they cover their head during exposure – or while walking in mountains-  to preserve their hair from sun rays and they must protect it with special products.
    Hairdresser will have planned a more neutral or less hotter coloration than usual with a semi-shade darker than usual because the sun takes care of naturally lightening your shade !   All you have to do now is call your hairdresser and make an appointment to have your hair coloured ! 


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