• Humanitarian action Shaping Futures Tunisia Schwarzkopf Professional
  • Humanitarian action Shaping Futures Tunisia Schwarzkopf Professional

  • LiveCoiffure.com: Stéphanie Journet, why this commitment  ? Stéphanie Journet :: I’m a naturally close to people, altruist, with easy contact, I was immediately seduced by the initiative of the company Schwarzkopf Professional which consists in using hairdressing as a way of personal and professional development  for the less well off in the world. Also, training and transmission were new for me and I wanted to exploit them.  I wanted to meet this personal challenge: commitment.   LC : How did you work ? SJ : A  short listing of young persons and adults  was made in Tunis to gather  twenty-three persons for the association SOS Villages d’Enfants.  The aim was to transmit to these persons the bases of our profession, hairdressing in order to facilitate their recruitment in a salon. There is no academic training like in others European countries. Training takes place dire in the field, the acquired basis are really a bonus to integrate a structure.   LC : What were your feelings ? SJ : Since I arrived, I thought that the language barrier would complicate my training mission. But the advantage of a craft profession is that the comprehension is possible through observation!   LC : How were you received there ? SJ : I was really well received ! Hospitality, human warmth, recognition, smile is  instinctive values for trained persons! At night at the orphanage where we stayed, the villagers would prepare great meals! And when we know what the sacrifice is when they receive people…   LC : What is your world vision now ? SJ : In France, we have so much and we don’t appreciate them! In the village, inhabitants live in an obvious precariousness, there is shortages but they remain happy, smiling and don’t show their misery.   LC : What is your feeling about hat humanitarian action ? SJ : I know that this action can be like a drop of water in a desert but by dint of solidarity, sharing and exchange,  I am obviously hoping wholeheartedly that the greatest number of them will make it by exercising a profession.
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