• An It Girl, what is it ?
  • An It Girl, what is it ?

  • An It Girl, what is it ?
  • For a few years, we have been used to refer to the tendency, thanks to the top ten of the It bag to buy a hand bag. Then with a new way of communicating what was In yesterday became an It today and that is applicable for the hairstyle collections, it Looks or even the It Girls. But an It girl in fact what is it ?

    Christine Margossian

  • An It girl is the kind of girl everybody want for a party, she is invited and placed at the front row of a fashion show but why ! The most famous ones are famous for their eccentricity or sex tape, Paris Hilton,  others come from TV shows and well married, Kim Kardashian. You will have realized that they are not an Einstein so why do they have success ? Well the thing that the It girls don't have a special talent they give the impression that they are like us: famous without efforts !

    It girl a real job

    Make no mistake: being an It girl is a real job with huge criteria !

    First, you have to have a good look indeed you must take care of your style each time you go out even if it's just to buy your baguette. You can't wear the style underpants/ heavy pullover and comfortable shoes. Then, and this is unfair if you have a dream silhouette and a beautiful face it's even easier. Why ? Because the creators will identify you to embody their style. At the same time, things change because Kim, Rihanna or Beyoncé don't really fit in a 34 Couture.
    Then you have a golden network and you maintain it. Going out, inviting yourself, this you know how to do it. You contact check list must contain creators, journalists and photographers. You also have a good doctorate in social networks. Our favorite one, the pioneer: Iris Apfel 90 years old.  A big career ! And the youngest, one year old, the daughter of Kim Kardashian and Mr West to follow.


  • Photos L'Oréal Professionnel 2015 Fall Winter Collection
    INSTAGRAM Nicole Warme
  • Nicole Warme


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