• European championships : seven medals for France
  • European championships : seven medals for France

  • As announced in the article about the professional salon the MCB by Beauté sélection, the  European hairdressing championships took place in Paris. This is a first, the reception of that contest organized by the OMC on 20 & 21 September this year.

    Christine Margossian

  • Championnats d’Europe 2015

  • The hairdressing contests are mind-blowing because it is hard to imagine that the masterpieces we admire are actually made of hair ! The haircuts, the hair colors and the technique take place very fast highlight and shape the masterpiece. The results are marvelous thanks to the creativity of the competitors.

    The competitors train like athletes every day, individually and in a team with their mentors. And they must work to to master a very complex material, the hair ! They can resort to the services of coach to be mentally prepared to the trials. That way, during these European hairdressing championships, hundreds of competitors from 35 different countries competed together. And France won a total of 7 gold medals, 23 silver medals and 7 bronze medals.

    The results are the following ones :

    • Three golden medals for the title of Junior international OMC, and are classified
    • Vice-champions of Europe by team in 3 categories : Senior Dame Mode, Senior Messieurs Technique and Senior Messieurs Mode.
    • Regarding the individual trials, France won 4 gold medals: Mathieu Léger in Junior Dame, Clotilde Roussel, in Junior Dame Technique, and Germain E.Lebret, in Senior Messieurs.
  • Korea won the gold medal. A good sign for the next world championships which will take place next spring...in Korea !

  • Championnats d’Europe 2015 -results


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