• Long hair and ponytail, how to do it
  • Long hair and ponytail, how to do it

  • Like a boy you have long hair even very long and you want to have a fashion tie. Nothing easier ! You just need to choose a ponytail which seems to be made since 2 days ! Professional tips.

    Christine Margossian

  • Nothing complicated for that low side tie. A ponytail which enables to be less hot and to be very fashion at the same time. Noticed on some catwalks during the fashion weeks, the models with long hair wore a side tie. The tie is low - below the ear - and especially, ¡ it gives the impression to be made the previous day… at least !
    A few strands are free here and there to reinforce that tousled aspect. For a total look, your dress code can be sophisticated and both accessories of your make up can be colored lips with an eyeliner line. Regarding the complexion, this summer you are supposed to be tanned…


    On dry hair, spray dry shampoo or dust to promote the volume in the roots.
    Lightly backcomb with the fingers the whole hair by insisting on the top of the head.
    Gather your hair with your hands leaving a few strands free aside and moving on the side you want.
    Choose a hair bungee and fix it. Tousle your ponytail and fix the volume with a flexible hairspray. Here you are.

  • Ponytail


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