• How to take care of your beard this summer?

  • What to do of your beard when the temperature is about 35 degrees? Do you have to shave it for a fresh summer? Don't even think about it: with or without beard, the heat will be the same… And know that the beard blocks 50 to 95% of the UV rays. Almost better than a ‘total protection’!

    Marie Signoret

  • 1- Wash your beard more often

    Even if the beard protects you from UV rays, it doesn’t protect you from sweat. What to do? You wash your face every morning and every night but you can’t do that with your beard: washing it twice a day would be too abrasive. We recommended you to wash your beard at least twice a week with an adapted shampoo. Needless to say that it also depends of your activities – especially sporting – you may wash your beard once a day if necessary – but no more than that and occasionally!


    2- Rinse your beard after going into the water

    Summer comes with bathing so you must respect a ritual. However, you should beware of the adverse effects of the salt and the chlorine. Rinse your beard with clean water after going into the water  (sea or swimming pool) in order to remove any trace of salt or chlorine drying the hair.


    3- Stay hydrated

    Needless to say that hydration is important all year long. But even more in summer! Start to drink water – at least 1,5 liter a day. Wine doesn’t count of course. Then, don’t hesitate to use a beard oil every day to have a more flexible beard which is more hydrated and easier to comb – moreover thanks to an hydrated beard, its growth will be more harmonious.

    4- Choose your growth schedule well

    The skin under your beard will almost not be exposed to the sun this summer – remember: your hair will block 50 to 95% of the UV rays! Think well before changing look: prefer a 3 days beard at the beginning of summer and a thicker beard in the end of summer and not the contrary. What if you decide to shave your beautiful thick beard at the beginning of September? You will have a two-colored ski: tanned face with an ugly white mark after shaving.


    5- Trim your beard more often

    In summer, the hair grows faster. How is it possible? The blood circulates faster, the roots are more nourished , your hair  is very happy. Consequently, don’t hesitate to trim your beard a bit more often than the rest of the year to look good even during the holiday!

    Crédit photo : Pixabay


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